Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3 of the 5 Quilts

This is my first quilt. I give a shout out of thanks to Ellen Fairley for being so patient with me and letting me come over to her house day after day after day to work on this blanket. I absolutely love the colors in this quilt!

This was the quilt that I made for Ada. I used some fat quarters that I bought to put this together. I wasn't happy with how it turned out, but I did finish it and for me that counts for something!

I am really happy with how this Sunbonnet Sue quilt turned out. I am choosing projects that are more challenging but I know my limitations. I chose a small crib size for this quilt so I would be more likely to finish it quickly and not place it in the "To work on" basket in the sewing room. Thanks again to Ellen Fairley for passing down your scraps of vintage fabrics, I love them.

My Projects Completed

Pin Cushion II

Okay, so one pin cushion project apparently wasn't enough. I liked this project though, it didn't require a sewing machine, just commen sense and some hot glue!! Cute idea!

Fat Quarter Fun

Okay so buying fat quarters of fabric may not be the most practical fabric for all sewing projects but it sure is fun to create projects in order to use them. I love that some one else has designed fabric patterns to be used together in a project.

Mobile for Madi

I made a Sun Bonnet Sue quilt for Madi's crib and could not find a mobile with the same color tone as the quilt. When I came upon this idea for a fabric yo yo mobile I decided to give it a try. And was pleased to find out how easy it was! I bought a mobile at a resale boutique and used it for the frame of the mobile. I didn't want to take the time to glue fabric around a cross-stitch hoop. One more craft project crossed off my list!

Pin Cushion

I made this pin cushion and it turned out really nice. It's actually larger than I thought it would be. The measurements were off so I had to be creative in the end to make things fit but overall it looks good.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monogramming Madness!

So Jim decided to get me a Memory Craft 9700 Sewing/Embroidery machine which has become my new obsession. Now that Ada and Madi both nap from 1-3pm, I have now officially named that my "Sewing Time." If you know me and how much I thrive on organization and scheduling you aren't surprised at all by me labeling a time frame of my own day...and if you really know me you know that I have typed out a schedule for the day for both girls. Which I may include in a post soon!

"Ada Potada" and "Madi Moo Moo"

My healthy ballerina is still very healthy! Ada already loves to play dress up and I love taking pictures of her when she gets dressed up. This is not the usualy attire which consists of my costume jewelry and Jim's steel toed work boots!

I really like this picture of "Madi Moo Moo". It makes me realize that she is growing up and is not a little tiny helpless newborn anymore...bittersweet! Many people say she looks like me and Ada but most people say she looks like Jim. I think she is her daddy made over.

Easter 2010

I love this Easter picture because the rolls on their arms are so similar. Life with two girlies is so much fun. Lots of hard work but I couldn't ask for better children. I am so blessed with the best husband in the world and wonderful children!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Welcome Madi!

Yay for epidurals that work!!! My labor, delivery, and recovery with Madi was much less of a challenge than with Ada. Dr. Darbonne is the best OBGYN ever. We are so thankful for our little ones. I cherish the tiny fingerprints streaked across the windows because one day, which will seem so soon, they will longer be there.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Winter 2009

This was our Winter family photo shoot. Jim says ' Isn't one picture a year good enough!" So I always look forward to getting our family pictures taken because it only happens once a year. This year I was 7 1/2 months pregnant. Keri Hebert did an awesome job!

"Catch Up"

This is an apology post for waiting 7 months to post another story. So here is my attempt to play "catch up" on our life!